
Week 3

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

— Arthur C. Clarke

Table of Contents

dog-ceo-api by @ElliottLandsborough.


Duty Calls by @xkcd.



Request (practice)

Outer Space by @nasa.

In this assignment you’ll fetch data from an external rest api.




Take ± 2 hours to make a request to an external api and render the data coming back.


Take about 0:30h to investigate different ways to get data from an api.




Data (feature)

Archive storage by @samuelzeller.

Work on receiving user input and manipulating data for your own Job Story.




Take ± 6 hours to build out a feature were you’ll receive user input and manipulate the data. This is quite a vague assignment and the end result will be specific to your Job Story. Make sure you at least spend the alloted hours on this.

Some examples to get you started, think about the movie example from the lecture:

Try to break down in small functionalities and think about what steps you need to complete.

Commit your work early and often. Push your work to GitHub. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect. Try and get as far as you can.

Hand in

  1. Push your changes:
    Hand in your progess in your repository on GitHub under your username.

  2. Create an issue:
    Mark this assignment as complete by opening an issue on our GitHub issue tracker. Fill in the issue template with the correct information. Make sure, in your repository, you include the resources used and update your and wiki with additional information.

  3. Feedback:
    Let us know what you thought of the homework, what part you spend a lot of time on and give us any feedback. Your project will be reviewed and receive feedback, so expect people to read it, and be ready for tips and tops!