
Week 4: Configs & Requirements

Table of Contents


GeoIP by @xkcd.



Linting (research)

Take about 0:45h to investigate what ‘linting’ is: what is it used for, why is it useful and try to look for examples.


Linting (implementation)

Based on the research you conducted setup a (or multiple) linters in your own project. Ask yourself which tools are useful for your own project. If you’re not sure which one to pick, the ones below are solid choices:

Think about what rules you are going to enforce. Most linters requires you to configure those on your own. You can use linters most linters as script in your package.json or as an extension in your editor.

If you’ve configured a linter and want to use it in your editor, make sure you also install the corresponding extension!


Previously you’ve customized the look and feel of your command line. We are going to do the same thing with your code editor. Since you spend quite some time in there it’s good to customize it to your own liking. If you are still using Brackets, this might be a good assignment to broaden your horizon or even switch to another code editor such as Atom or VS Code.

Wes and Scott (you might have taken one of their courses) have a good podcast called Syntax where they detail their setups. You can listen to these episodes or look in the show notes for inspiration.

Usability Test

You already started working on your interface. You might already have some sketches or written some views, partials or components with a templating engine. Collect feedback on your interface and Static HTML. Let other students test your interface and give you feedback.


Requirements List

Narrow down your Job Story in specific small functionalities and make a list of requirements your feature should have. You can then apply the MoSCoW method on your list to see which functionalities are must-haves and which ones are enhancements.


Hand in

  1. Pages: Create a page for this week or section of your research on your GitHub Wiki.

  2. Push your changes: Hand in your research in your repository on GitHub under your username.