
Week 5: Code Reviews & Collaborating

Table of Contents


You Hang Up First by @xkcd.




Take about 1h to investigate the GitHub Flow and research more of the ‘social’ features of GitHub.

Extra resources


Take about 1h to complete the Managing Merge Conflicts course on GitHub lab. You will learn about resolving simple and complex merge conflicts with ease.


Take about 1h to complete the Community Starter kit course on GitHub lab. You will learn how you cam make it easier for others to contribute to projects.


Pull request

Make a pull request to three different repositories of fellow student. You can fix some of the feedback from the issue of the last assignment or rewrite a part of the application based on your own findings. Did you do it in an alternative way? Can you make the code more readable?


Hand in

  1. Pages:
    Create a page for this week or section of your research on your GitHub Wiki.

  2. Issue:
    Create a issue with the links of the pull requests you’ve made and the repositories of the GitHub Lab.

  3. Push your changes:
    Hand in your research in your repository on GitHub under your username.